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What are the benefits of an automated home?

The benefits of home automation are many. The first and often most persuasive benefit of home automation is the convenience factor. There is just nothing like being able to communicate with your home remotely, from wherever you are. A smart home is truly the next level in convenience and customization. However, not to be glossed over are some of the ancillary benefits of home automation

Safety and Security

A smart home is one that anticipates your needs, even when you aren’t there. We have already talked about devices that turn your heat on when you need it, but now let’s take a moment to talk about something that goes beyond simple creature comforts. The security of your home is probably one of the most important things about it. Home automation can make a secure home even more secure. Let’s say, for example, that you have houseguests for the weekend. Wanting them to have the freedom to come and go, you provide them with a key for the duration of their stay.

While those house guests wouldn’t be likely to use the key for nefarious reasons, what if they mistakenly forget the key? Rekeying your locks is expensive, but not doing so could put the safety of your home at risk. An automated locking system can do away with all of that worry and expense. Instead of handing out physical keys, keyless entry systems on your home allow you to provide guests to your home with a code. Once they no longer need access to your home, you can simply delete the code. This is just one example among many of how home automation can increase the security of your home.


In addition to enhancing home security, home automation can make your home run more efficiently. With more and more homeowners looking for ways to green their homes, it’s no wonder that automated devices have come to fill that niche. Automated window treatments are a wonderful example of home automation that delivers on a variety of levels. Not only are motorized blinds far more convenient than manually changing the position of all of the blinds in your home each and every day, but they can help your home run much more efficiently. How?

Consider this: In an effort to reduce energy bills, you turn the air conditioning off during the summer when nobody is home. You might have a few warm hours after your return home while you wait for the house to cool down again, but then you realize that your windows have actually been working against you all this time. When your shades or blinds stay in the same position all day long, they let the sun in to heat up your space. While this is a plus in the winter, it is a definite negative in the summer, when you have to drop the temperature down that extra seven degrees. Instead of allowing Mother Nature to heat things up in there, schedule your blinds to raise and shut in time with the sun. In the summer, shades down at the peak of the day and in the winter, shades up when you need all the help you can get.